We know this scenario. You've just picked up the hottest new console - but what do you do with the old one? You have piles of Movies, Video Games and music CDs hanging around, they're taking up space and you have no idea what to do with it all.
We encourage you to contact us for a quote before bringing in any large orders of goods, to make the transaction much smoother for yourself and our buyers. Depending on the size of the order you bring in you may be asked to leave it with us.
Our buying counter is always open when we are open! Please note that we can NOT start testing any gaming system after 5:30pm (Tues to Sat) and after 4:30pm on Sundays. This allows staff to properly test a system before we close.
We are currently looking to buy:
- video games (all generations as far back as original Nintendo)
- most video game consoles, controllers and parts (see the exceptions below)
- TV seasons on DVD (and Blu-Ray) (very selectively!)
- Blu-Ray movies (selectively, and NOT 3d Blu-Rays)
- music CDs (selectively) we will NOT be looking at country and oldies CDs right now
- some Amiibos
Please note that our ability to buy specific items is directly related to how many we already have of a specific item and of course its condition.
We are currently NOT buying:
- DVD movies
- 3D Blu-Rays
- LP records
- First generation consoles of PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360
- Any/All digital ONLY systems
- Xbox Kinect setups
- NES (original Nintendo) systems
- VR headsets and steering wheels
- Skylanders figures and portals
- VHS movies
- audio cassettes (tapes)
Use the form below to detail what sort of items you're looking to bring in - we can let you know what's worth bringing down!
Not sure what types of things we buy? Take a look at our FAQ page or feel free to give us a call!